It is difficult to describe exactly what art means and the happiness it brings to our lives. We often use clichés such as: "art asks questions," "art provides comfort" or "art teaches us empathy." But now a new science, neuro-aesthetics, is delving into what art really does to us. Using brain scans, it examines how art affects our brains and bodies and how these insights can contribute to health and well-being.


Research shows that art is not just a luxury, but a deep-seated need, as essential as sleep, exercise or food. Doctors even see art experience as something that can enrich and prolong your life. The idea that a "micro-dose" of art can improve your well-being shows how fundamental art is to our existence.

(Source: See all this)

ArtbyTenD tentoonstelling in Kasteel van Rhoon november 2024

Zaterdag 5 en zondag 6 oktober nam Frits van Tol deel aan de Kunsttoer Lansingerland bij Arthur Bernard

Zondag 25 augustus opening expositie van ArtbytenD galerie Bont en Blauw in Heythuysen tot 29/9

The Unit4Art opening on saturday June 29th

Our permanent exhibition space at Unit4Art in Gouda

Almost ready !

Exhibitions 2024. 

Maart 30 maart T/m 28 April Voorjaarsalon Pulchri Den Haag  (ledententoonstelling) - Arthur Bernard

June. Opening art by TEND  exposition space at Unit4Art Gouda Crabethpark 24

Augustus. 25 augustus t/m 29 september groepexpo Art by TenD bij galerie Bont en Blauw in Heythuysen 


Haagse Kunstkring Jolanda Wassenaar en Frits van Tol

De bevrijding van het beeld  Kadmium Delft

Najaarssalon leden Pulchri